The story behind this image could easily be about how portraiture is not that different from wildlife photography. About how working with wild animals is - in some ways - less challenging than unpredictable people. About how crystal sharp Nikon’s fancy glass is. It’s not about that. Because it’s not the ideas that count. It’s the execution. It’s what we make. It’s what we share…



These images share a story. Not as in a great context, technical quality or great composition kind of way. These children narrate about contradictions which will bring some perspective to our everyday life. All born on a dusty field with nothing more than a foorball, some scribbly thoughts in my iPhone’s Notes app and yours truly doing his best to hide he actually can’t play soccer…

Is it about trying to find the truth in misperceptions about what we want instead of what we need.
Or about trying to survive in the struggle everyday life can provide. 
Is it about being grateful about the end of a hard day's work. 
Or worry about the never ending story on how to provide for the next day.

Is confidence about walking into a room with your head held high.
Or when you don't have the continuous drive of having to prove yourself better than others.
Is it about the rushing from one meeting to another.
Or about the rush you feel with a rather spontaneous encounter.

Remember: busy isn't the outcome of success; it's a lack of priority. 
So do shit that matters. 
Try new things. 
Do new stuff. 
Pursue risk without being reckless.
And don’t be another brick in the wall.



You can't safe Africa on your own. 
And don't even think about feeling sorry for the people. 
Just remember that life's worth living. 
Make the small things count.
And remember: when nothing’s for sure, anything can happen.

Jochen van Dijk
Kamanjab, Namibia