Talk about contrast… This scene was captured only a few weeks ago in southern Kenia. There was little to no connection or access to news. It was only when I returned to civilization that I learned about something called the “corona virus”, which was spreading in China. No big deal. We can handle this. How things have changed…

This image is a visual disconnect. When most of the world is urged to stay inside, it’s rather surreal this scene - even during these dark hours - plays out every sunset. Up until very recently this was just a beautiful thing to witness. No side notes or contextuality with the exception of wildlife poaching, habitat loss or other man-made tensions.

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We have this planet on loan and have to share it with magnificent creatures like elephants. Now there is some time for reflection. Let’s hope these dark clouds pass quickly and conservation and sustainability are on political agendas a few steps higher when this crisis passes. Stay safe!